Monday, January 13, 2014

It's a...!!!

I really and truly didn't want to find out.  I wanted it to be a big amazing surprise.  I did not cave.  Here's what happened...

On December 31, 2013 we had our 20 week sonogram.  We told the u/s tech at the very beginning we did not want to find out the gender.  She said "no problem" and we were off.  She began the u/s calling the baby "he" - "he's moving", "he isn't cooperating", etc.  She did apologize for calling it a "he" and said she does uses "he because it's easier. Whatev works lady.

Well once we made sure the heart, brain and all the above the waste organs were there and working, she had us close our eyes while she made sure the bladder and privates were there and ok.  Well now it was "her bladder looks good", "there are her legs", etc.  She did realized she did it a few times and tried to cover it up by saying "she, he, she, whatever it is".  Sorry lady, you can't take it back...

Since our little angel was such a pain for the tech we had to go back on January 2 to get the rest of the pictures.  Now, for the past week we've been referring to this baby as a girl.  If this baby came out and it was a boy I think I would have been dumbfounded.  Like for the past 4 months everything I knew was a lie.  So I had to know.  I needed that confirmation.  And we got it.

Our little lady was a class act providing a very visible presentation of her lady parts.  I almost felt embarrassed for staring.  I also felt an overwhelming sense of amazement.  That's my daughter.  My Molly.  PT and I were not in any rush to have kids but whenever we talked about kids, we always talked about Molly.  And this is her.  It made these pictures so much more real.

I do wish we could have waited to find out at birth what we're having but Molly is already getting spoiled and I'm not going to complain about that!

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