I'm pretty pale, especially coming out of winter time in Virginia. I normally just wear Chapstick but with spring coming up I'd like to rock a nice nude lip. I did some "research" on Pinterest and when I went to buy the recommended "best nude lipstick" it was way too dark for me. I'm Irish you know...
So I started on a little trek of my own. I didn't want anything pink or peachy, just nude. Plain and simple. And after about 40 minutes in the make-up aisles at Target, I found it. The perfect nude lipstick.

Ladies (and gentleman, no judgment here!) I'd like to introduce you to #113 Lasting Finish by Kate (Rimmel London). It does feel like it dries out your lips a bit so I use a little Chapstick first. It's also
under $5 so I'm stocking up.
Best Self-Tanner
Did I mention already I'm pale? I noticed how bad it was when we returned from Ireland and it was 75+ degrees here in VA. Shorts were in order and yikes! what an eyesore. I returned to my most reliable form of research, Pinterest, to see what I could find on self-tanners. What I found was everyone likes something different so I decided to go back to my old-faithful, Jergen's Natural Glow.
I've used Jergen's before and I wanted a more gradual, natural looking color. Well, this worked perfectly, after one use! I think it worked so well because I'm so pale but not anymore. There are tiny streaks that only I notice but I'll take a streak or two over the ghostly color I once was.

Best Firming Cream
Yep, I've tried it. Why not? And with summer coming up, time to start using again. Nivea Firming Lotion. This stuff is legit! It's pretty thick which I love because I feel like it's actually moisterizing and cellulite no more! Try it for yourself. Seriously...
Glad you had a good trip, Natalie! I want to go to Target; I've never tried a nude lip before!