Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Well you've guessed it.  I'm still pregnant.  I know I really shouldn't complain because I'm only 3 days over my due date and if you ask PT my "real" due date is May 21st which is tomorrow so there's that (Why you is tomorrow my "real" due date when this whole time I've been saying it's May 17th?  Well when we first found out I was pregnant they gave us the due date of May 17th.  Then when we had the 20 week sono they told me the due date is May 21st.  Sorry, but after 16 weeks of thinking my due date was May 17th, I wasn't mentally changing that date).

Anyways like I said, I'm still pregnant.  But worst case scenario, I'll only be pregnant for 3 more days!  I know I should just enjoy this time before things get crazy but I'm sore and tired and can't easily move.  My fingers are numb, I'm swollen, I can't sleep.  This won't change when Molly joins us but at least I'll get to hang out with my daughter.

To avoid being induced, I'm trying as many methods of natural induction as possible.  Last night I had a big glass of ginger beer under the direction of PT because he knows how to have kids.  Again, I'm still pregnant but was graced with 2+ hours of strong contractions starting at 2 AM.  7 minutes 30 seconds apart for 2 hours and then nothing.  Just like that.  So I need your help - what worked for you?  What should I try?

In the words of Mrs. MacAllister, "I'm desperate.  From a mother to a mother, please."

1 comment:

  1. I've read a lot of forums bc I'm crazy and ppl seemed to have good success with a breast pump. Maybe unpleasant? But depending on your level of desperation ... Ha
